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Find life purpose and become better you

Peaceful Reading

Well, everyone is growing up and we all have the desire to become better. Naturally, we like good things because I think ultimately it is about feeling good and happy. Many have judged that setting a goal to be happy is not right because we should be happy along the way, not to wait until a specific of time comes or particular thing happen as we desire. I wouldn’t say it wrong and I would not say it’s completely right either. To me both are important to be happy. Why? 

I am the type to procrastinate and in terms of priority I would have a long list and mostly put things that can wait later until it’s required. Without goal, I can miss many important points in life I would want to have or do. Therefore, goal and purpose are essentials since goal support purpose. To me, purpose is the main big picture thing I want to achieve. It is the meaning. Goals are the marks to support the purpose. Actions are what support goals to ensure the goals are achieved. It could be that people give those different meanings, but to me, purpose is that abstract thing that gives my life meaning. Some might use dream as an alternative word for purpose. 

Many people do not have dream, but I think they just don’t have an idea, or don’t know yet. If you are like them, I think setting goals from time to time to try many different things will let you discover that. This is like Agile-Scrum methodology of project management that client does not know what they want their product to be yet and it doesn’t really matter because they will. I like this concept and I think many people are not used to that and they don’t really care of finding their own dream or life purpose. Anyway, I just want to say that it’s important if you want meaning, otherwise, you can still live on.

Now, I have decided to get myself to the next level. Fabulous is my next year goal. Previous year was also supporting this but I want on another level. When I say fabulous, what image do you have in mind? I have some pictures of people in mind, but not them because I cannot be them. I am gonna be me, so I’m still figuring out what I really want myself to be like. 2 words came to my mind: Capable and Lovable. I want one more to be included and that is Inspiring. Then, I think I need to find supporting actions to reach these goals. I cannot really say it’s measurable I still think it’s possible and it does not matter as long as I feel those 3 and I would be trying to see the impacts on others to see if I really made the change. I want to set goals so I could keep track of want I want and I would not be frustrated at the end of the year or at a point of time that I was too busy and forgot about them and let the year pass easily. I want to make use of my time well because I won’t know what the future may hold. I want to take control of my life although I cannot control what would happen externally, I think I should work out on my emotion control when things don’t go smoothly. Anyway, life is unpredictable and that’s what make it interesting that we get to test our ability to deal. It’s like playing game. We want interesting not boring game, which make it fun and that allows us to experience the fullest nature could provide like excitement, sadness, etc. Yes, it’s easier said than done, but if we really want it, we will make it. 

Here are some rough actions I need to get done or keep doing:

  • Change the way of my speaking to request something from my family. I normally commanding and put pressure on them. I would be upset and sulk when they don’t do what I want. I forgot that they are also human and not different from me. So, I should be more respectful towards them and use kind and good words. That’s what they want to hear and I don’t have to be fake about that. I just change myself from inside. This is a big impact from my best friend. She’s overcome most of that area, and she show me that we can be real and kind too. Like my previous article, i should shift my focus from fake kind to real kind. This is very important to become more inspiring and lovable.
  • Clean up my dictionary. I read a few books about finances, and found that words we use play an important role in our lives. Right words bring our brain to work on the right thing. Our brain is just so powerful. Therefore, I need to be more selective about my words to bring more positivity into my life. When I hear good words, I would feel good, so that goes the same to people around me. This is important to become more capable and lovable.
  • Focus and improve positive energy. I actually was going to use the word “get rid of fear”, but I want to clean up my dictionary, so this is when I can apply as soon as I can. It is really important to become more capable and inspiring.
  • Treat my beauty better by giving it more care. I frequently got some compliments of looking young with my facial skin, however, i see many problems on my face. I think the right way would be appreciate the compliments and accept them. Then, I can make improvement where I want to see changes and do with them with joy like frequently use home remedies to nourish my skin, eat more healthy food, and use good products. What do I try to earn for if I don’t treat myself well? If I cannot make myself happy, how can I inspire others? This is really important for being more lovable and inspiring.
  • Stay healthy and shaped. I think it’s most people’s problem to get themselves to workout, but it’s really good and important for our life. Wealth is nothing without health, so I should keep doing what I am doing at least. But, if I want better I should know what to do. Being healthy is a great way to freedom. I love freedom. It allows me to do what I want, which result me being happy. And stay in shape is important for my fashion too. I love fashion very much, so I would be more confident and free to wear what I want. I would be happy to enjoy looking great.

Wow, if all went well, it would be a great boost of my confidence. I really love this positive vibe, I really want to see the fabulous me.

To reach my goals, I will need to go through a lot of things, but there is a risk that I could not because there could be things that stop me from achieving them. I am actually an all-or-nothing type, so I know what it means and the risk. Therefore, I think I should not apply that concept all the time. At least not on achieving my goals. This is where both can happen. i would celebrate each step I do, so whether or not I get all I want, I at least get some. I will at least learn a lot from the process. The goals are not measurable as I don’t want to put too much pressure on myself but instead inspire me to achieve it by reminding myself as frequent as I look at my new year resolution. I do that each year and I was wondering what should be on the list for the coming year. I still have to improve what I should list and how I should work on them, but it’s in the process. We have to understand that sometimes life is too hard to enjoy in the process, we have to deal with the dark times and endure the pain. It’s just part of the process.

I am so happy I have been doing new year revolution because each level has dependency, and all those years have made who I am today and what I want today will shape my future. So, it’s about getting to know myself, find myself, free myself to do what I want after the loads of responsibility, define a good life system, enjoy the life I want, and share that with people. It’s really hard to lead others if we don’t know where we should go, so quick experiment myself and share the result would really help.

I am really concerned about attracting the wrong people, that was one of the reason I did not really let myself do what is good for myself. But I found that I would miss the right one too. So, what I need to work hard on is to improve the ability to read good people. This is something I want write next, but I still have no clue about that, so I want to discover and write one as soon as I can.

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