
Let’s explore the connection between art and wellness in our articles! Art has been shown to help reduce stress and anxiety, boost creativity, and provide an outlet for emotional expression. We can discuss ways to use art for relaxation, self-care, and emotional healing.

Writing Heals – How I can heal myself through writing

Writing Heals

You might wonder how I could easily say that writing heals, but I would tell you that it does. Read on and then you will want to give it a try.

I started to love writing years ago but I always don’t have time for it. I like to read many healing articles to see other people scars. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to laugh at them, but reading that heals because we find things in common and so we can see other experience, decision, and effects of that decision that we can learn from. 

One more thing is sharing the empathy, it’s like to listen to a best friend talking about their problem. I see now why many people like reading novels or watching drama. You just get into another world and forget about where you are for a moment. If they talk about their pain, you feel the pain. If they share the joy, you are happy for them. That’s why, at this point, you should realize too that you should choose what you read, listen or watch in the way that it serves your purpose. If you want to become happier, reading articles like this could help you tremendously.

Surround yourself with positive people could also help as well, but you should watch out how to reap the benefits from your surrounding. You should stay conscious to really heal. I think it’s like you are in a class. Your session is limited to one hour. Your teacher and your classmates play their roles, and to learn and remember longer, you need interactions with them. When the session is over, you may still remember most of the lesson if you really paid attention, but if you don’t write down and review, you are most likely to remember the least or nothing at all. If you were to use what learn to apply, it’s also unlikely happening. 

The moment to write down, you focus, and not only you allow yourself to review, but you also reflect upon yourself. If you could go further than just what you learn, but break it down and expand the food for thought by applying it to what you can relate, that’s when you start your healing journey through writing. And you know what?! You sessions happen every moment and everywhere you are. Here, your self awareness plays an important role. 

Have you ever noticed that when you have problem emotionally, you just need a listening ear? You would not want anyone to tell you what to do. Instead, you want them to just be there and listen. The thing is you want to let it out to feel better. You want to clear your mind. Therefore, writing is just that listening ear you need to express yourself. You let your mind flow like a river, whether it comes with garbage or fish or anything. Writing won’t make matters worst. It’s just there for you – easily accessible and it’s just between you. If you keep it somewhere safe, and come back to read it again occasionally, it could be a great reminder and motivation as well. 

The most important thing that I love about writing isI feel peaceful when I write. My focus is high and the focus is about myself, which leads to higher chance of healing myself. So, I hope you give it a try and find yourself again the peace of mind you need. 

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